Matt’s Mission

Matt’s mission is to maintain health in all aspects of life. A keen marathoner, Matt has been searching for the formula for success to becoming a better runner, and achieving longevity in the sport he loves.  He wants to share with you his discoveries about how a Growth Mindset, in conjunction with Running on Fats, will make you a better endurance runner – for life.

While running is a huge passion for Matt, greater still, is his desire to help people achieve and maintain good health – runners and non-runners alike.  Matt is an ardent advocate for cutting out the sugars and eating ‘real’ foods – including a wholesome helping of healthy fats. It is Matt’s firm belief that this is the only way we can combat the current obesity epidemic that has taken over the Western World.


Matt Henderson is a husband and father of three young children, trying to balance family, work and running.

Matt has a PhD in Science and Technology from the University or Waikato and is currently Head of Faculty, Technology at Waiuku College in New Zealand.

Matt was previously a Specialist Classroom Teacher at Sancta Maria College, where Growth Mindset was a key initiative. Prior to teaching, he was a Research Scientist at Industrial Research Limited in Auckland, New Zealand.

Running Achievements

  • 23 Marathons (and counting)
  • 2nd in Age Group (45-49yrs) New Zealand Marathon Champs 2018 (Rotorua Marathon) 2 hours 57 min 22 sec
  • 3rd Place and PB of 2 hours 52 mins 58 seconds (Mountain to Surf Marathon, New Plymouth 2018)
  • 2nd in Age Group (40-49yrs) Auckland Waterfront Half Marathon 2018. 1 Hour 21 min 35 sec